
Archive for November, 2009

Quadro FX 5800 SDI The Graphics Horsepower

November 20, 2009 Leave a comment

Quadro FX 5800 SDI The Graphics Horsepower. 3D animation, CAD/CAM and video production can all benefit from good graphics support, but the emphasis is different from the typical gaming setup. Instead of the raw speed of action games, image quality and pixel precision is paramount. A moderate- to high-power consumer graphics card can do quite well in this role for the hobbyist, but more serious work demands a workstation-class card, such as the ATI FireGL line or the Nvidia Quadro. Read more…

Google-branded phone in early 2010

November 18, 2009 1 comment

Google phone rumors are back with a vengeance, spurred on by reports that the Internet behemoth Google is partnering with phone maker HTC on a “super” Android device thinner than the Droid and iPhone. The release date for this Google-branded phone is early 2010, according to TechCrunch’s Michael Arrington who reported a Google Phone was in the works Tuesday.


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The new Mameo-powered N900-the future of its high-end smartphones

November 18, 2009 Leave a comment

Nokia says its Linux-based Mameo operating system is the future of its high-end smartphones, ending hope for Symbian OS to reign supreme. The change emphasizes how far behind the world’s largest handset maker has become. Read more…

Dell Adamo Notebook to be even thinner than Apple’s MacBook Air

November 18, 2009 1 comment

Despite the tightening of belts all across the globe, computer manufacturers are obsessed with the concept of style, building ultra-thin, expensive machines fat with flair and aimed toward the budgets of the elite. The tease of Dell’s latest iteration of its Adamo laptop — which purports to be even thinner than Apple’s MacBook Air — is another pistol shot in an increasingly competitive race to build the sexiest, thinnest, heroin chic laptop out there. But the race feels hollow and nearly pointless. Read more…

Sony VGN-Z598U-Sony’s more uniquely designed

November 18, 2009 Leave a comment

Sony VGN-Z598U. Everyone talks about the Apple tax – the premium you’re paying for an Apple product. The same could technically be said for some of Sony’s more uniquely designed notebooks, like the Sony VAIO VGN-Z598U. This ultraportable class starts at $1,499, but our review unit balloons up to the eye-bulgingly-high price tag of $4,450. Read more…

Kaspersky Unveils Antivirus for Mac

November 18, 2009 Leave a comment

Kaspersky Unveils Antivirus for Mac. It is wrong to think that a Mac operating system is safe from malware.

“Since 2005, there has been a marked increase in the number of vulnerabilities in the Mac OS which can be used to conduct an attack via the Internet,” said Gun Suk Ling, managing director for Kaspersky Lab, Southeast Asia. Read more…

Palm Updates WebOS — Without iTunes Sync

November 17, 2009 Leave a comment

Palm is working to steadily improve its Pre and Pixi smartphones with the release of WebOS 1.3.1. The free update weighs in at 126MB and brings with it dozenpalm pre pixis of tiny tweaks that improve the Palm experience. But if you were waiting for the resurrection of the Palm iTunes sync, you’re out of luck: WebOS 1.3.1 does no such thing. Perhaps Palm decided to blink in the back-and-forth with Apple. Read more…

Microsoft Releases Office 2004, 2008 Updates

November 11, 2009 Leave a comment

Microsoft Releases Office 2004, 2008 Updates. Microsoft on Tuesday issued updates for its venerable Office suite versions 2004 and 2008.

Office 2004 gets a security boost with the Mac 11.5.6 update, which corrects a vulnerability that could allow a remote baddie to overwrite your computer’s memory. The 2008 version sees the same security fix in its Mac 12.2.3 update, plus a host of other minor upgrades, such as resolving text spacing issues in documents that originated on Windows system. The update should also reduce some frustrations. Previously, Word was prone to closing unexpectedly when a user accepted tracked changes. Stability is similarly improved in Excel and PowerPoint, which have had unpredictable crashes in some circumstances. Entourage, Microsoft’s e-mail client for the Mac, also gets a better junk mail filter. Read more…

Bare Bones Software Releases Yojimbo 2.1 Update

November 11, 2009 Leave a comment

Bare Bones Software Releases Yojimbo 2.1 Update. Bare Bones Software has announced an update to Yojimbo, its intuitive information organizer. Yojimbo 2.1 includes a few fixes and refinements to version 2.0, which was released in September. Read more…

Amazon Kindle for PC Now Available

November 11, 2009 Leave a comment

Amazon Kindle for PC now available. (Free download for Windows 7, Vista & XP). Amazon has released a Kindle for PC app, available as a free 5.17MB download for Windows 7, Vista, and XP.

Much like the Kindle for iPhone app, Kindle for PC syncs your Amazon e-book downloads and shows them on your computer for convenient reading either when you’re away from your svelte e-book reader or if you chose not to buy it in the first place. A Mac version, Amazon says, is “coming soon”. Read more…