
Archive for December, 2009

ASUS RT-N13U SuperSpeed N Wireless Router specification

December 31, 2009 Leave a comment

As most people now know, ASUS is not happy being known as a PC component maker. They have in the last few years pushed themselves into becoming a monster in the world of consumer electronics. In fact, at one point when I asked an ASUS representative if they were planning on making “everything” in the future, he smiled and mumbled something about … *cough* – overclockable adult… toys, and then walked away. Now, I know he was kidding, but it does show that ASUS is ready to get into just about any market that they feel they can fill. One of these has been the world of home networking. Read more…

Pogoplug-give you fast access, locally or remotely, to your USB storage devices

December 28, 2009 Leave a comment

Pogoplug was a PCMag Editors’ Choice in its first version. Now CloudEngine’s latest iteration of its multimedia sharing device has been updated with several new features including a lurid purple-pink cable stand. It does what it did before: give you fast access, locally or remotely, to your USB storage devices—up to four of them, instead of just one. There are multimedia enhancements: you can stream almost any video file, do automatic media synching, and perform improved contact management. All of which helps make up for the $30 price increase from the original.
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HT Mobile G60 Review

December 28, 2009 Leave a comment

Hardware configuration
Network Mode : GSM + GSM Working Frequency : GSM 900/ 1800 mhz Dimension : 113.8 x55.8×11.9 LCD Display : LCD QVGA 2.4”,262 k color 320 x 240 Type : Qwerty Phone Weight : 110 gr w battery Camera : VGA 640 x 480 External Memory : Support T- flash card Up to 16 GB Internal Memory : 506 kb USB : Support Mini Usb port Bluetooth : Support A2DP Analoque TV : Support 30 Channel FM Radio : Support 30 Channel Battery Capacity : 1000 mAh PC Camera : Support Webcam Modem : Support Modem JAVA : MIDP 2.0 Support Java Minimimize Read more…

Sanyo Incognito SCP-6760 (Sprint)

December 28, 2009 2 comments

The 3-inch display is just big enough, though we wouldn’t want it to be any smaller. With support for 262,000 colors and 400×240 pixels, it has a pleasant resolution that shows colors and graphics well. It won’t knock your socks off, but it’s suitably bright and vibrant for phone of this caliber. Samsung’s TouchWiz interface gives you instant access to a variety of features, though we wish its customization options were more extensive. The icon-based menu interface is simple and intuitive. Permanent touch icons on the bottom of the screen open the dialpad, the phone book, and the main menu.

Sanyo Incognito SCP-6760 (Sprint)

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Tips and trick to Prevent Content Plagiarism your blog

December 13, 2009 2 comments

Tips and trick to Prevent Content Plagiarism your blog. How can you prevent and detect Content Plagiarism? Plagiarism is a serious issue in the blog world and it is a prime duty for all bloggers to prevent their content from getting copied and also take the corrective action when needed. Every blogger gets annoyed when some one copies their content and ranks higher than them in the search engines. Read more…

7 Tips for building a successful blog

December 11, 2009 Leave a comment

Starting a blog is easy but being a successful blogger and taking the blog to a higher level needs a lot of discipline. Below are some tips that will help you build a successful blogging business.

* Stick to one niche: Successful blogs are blogs that have stuck to blogging on a particular niche. It is better to stick to a niche rather than wander everywhere searching for ideas for your blog. By writing on a single topic you make yourself easy on learning. You also define a purpose on your blog by putting in a lot of effort towards a single topic. Read more…

Install Multiple Programs at Once with AllMyApps

December 11, 2009 Leave a comment

How to install multiple programs at once? You often need to re-install all applications that you need if you have formatted or upgraded your computer from Windows XP /Vista to Windows 7. Installing one application after another can be a very tedious process. AllMyApps is a web service that lets you to install multiple applications at once with no or minimal human interference. Read more…

Tips and tricks to Create Landing Pages for PPC Campaigns

December 8, 2009 Leave a comment

Landing Pages are one of the most important part of your PPC (pay-per-click) campaign as it would be the first page which a user sees on your website after clicking your ad. Well designed landing pages can increase your conversion rate and make your PPC campaign more effective.
The success and failure of your PPC Campaign depends completely on the success and failure of Landing pages. In this article I would be discussing few tips which you can implement to make better landing pages for your PPC Campaign.
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Lenovo Keypad Secured USB drive

December 6, 2009 Leave a comment

Identity and data theft is on the rise. While the average user rarely worries when he loses a personal or company flash drive, how much can you or your company really afford to lose its trade secrets or your very own bank account details? This is where data encryption steps in and while some prefer software applications to handle this task, software encryption can be broken relatively easy compared to encryption that is hardware based. Read more…

Acer easyStore H340 Review

December 6, 2009 1 comment

This isn’t a tiny box. It’s a good size larger than the HP MediaSmart. Up-front there are four removable hard drive trays, along with status lights, USB port, and power button. I can’t tell you how much I love the front facing power button. HP continues to place its power buttons on the back of its WHS which is a pain in the ass. Around back there are 4 USB ports, eSATA port, 10/100/1000 Ethernet jack, and power jack. There isn’t anything missing. This server is fully equipped. whs3
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