
Archive for November 7, 2009

Add More Effects to Photo Booth and IChat

November 7, 2009 Leave a comment

Add More Effects to Photo Booth and IChat. As you know, Photo Booth includes a collection of image-altering effects you can use to distort your photos; just click the Effects button to see the collection of 24 effects, and to apply them to your photos. A subset of these effects (16 in all) are available in iChat, too, for use in creating some truly strange looking iChat image icons. But in case that’s not enough effects for you, here’s a way to add over 20 additional effects to both iChat and Photo Booth.
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Secure Websites Affected by SSL Flaw

November 7, 2009 Leave a comment

Secure websites affected by SSL flaw. Bug can be used to hack into servers. Web users are being warned aboout a serious flaw in the technology used to transfer information securely on the internet.

The flaw lies in the SSL protocol, best known as the technology used for secure browsing on websites beginning with HTTPS, and lets attackers intercept secure SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) communications between computers using what’s known as a man-in-the-middle attack. Read more…

Apple Store Announces Reserve And Pick Up Program

November 7, 2009 Leave a comment

Apple Store Announces Reserve And Pick Up Program For you pre-Thanksgiving shoppers, the Apple retail store on Friday announced a way to get a jump on your holiday list. The Reserve And Pick Up option will let you choose hardware products online and swing by your local store to collect them between December 15 and 24. Currently, the line-up of offerings includes iPods, iPhones, MacBooks, Mac Minis, iMacs, and Mac Pros. To make a reservation, you sign in with your Apple ID and select a store location. Payment is due only at the time of pick-up. Read more…

Announcing The OpenOfficeMouse

November 7, 2009 Leave a comment


ANNOUNCING THE OPENOFFICEMOUSE. Orvieto, Italy, November 6, 2009: In partnership with the community, WarMouse announced the release of the OpenOfficeMouse, the first multi-button application mouse designed for the world’s leading open-source office productivity suite. With a revolutionary and patented design featuring 18 buttons, an analog joystick, and support for as many as 52 key commands, the OpenOfficeMouse is intended to provide a faster and more efficient user interface for applications such as Writer and Calc than the conventional icons, pull-down menus, and hotkeys presently permit. Read more…

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