
Archive for the ‘internet tools’ Category

PlayStation Network cards coming this month

November 10, 2009 Leave a comment


PlayStation Network cards coming this month. Sometime later this month, retailer Game will begin selling cards with prepaid PlayStation Network credit.

While our American and European cousins have been able to purchase PlayStation Network Store credit from brick-and-mortar retailers for a while now, the options have been more limited down under. All of that is about to change very soon. From mid-to-late November this year, gamers who don’t have access to a credit card — or simply don’t like giving their details out online — will be able to purchasePlayStation Network Store prepaid credit. Read more…

Secure Websites Affected by SSL Flaw

November 7, 2009 Leave a comment

Secure websites affected by SSL flaw. Bug can be used to hack into servers. Web users are being warned aboout a serious flaw in the technology used to transfer information securely on the internet.

The flaw lies in the SSL protocol, best known as the technology used for secure browsing on websites beginning with HTTPS, and lets attackers intercept secure SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) communications between computers using what’s known as a man-in-the-middle attack. Read more…

Mozilla Plans Major Firefox Interface Overhaul

November 5, 2009 Leave a comment

Mozilla Plans Major Firefox Interface Overhaul. Mozilla plans to overhaul the look and feel of Firefox for Windows, a redesign that will resemble Google’s Chrome in several key elements, according to screenshots and discussions on the open-source developer’s Web site. Read more…

Squarespace’s Site Management IPhone App Now Available

November 4, 2009 Leave a comment

Squarespace’s Site Management IPhone App Now Available. Squarespace is a hosted blog and Website service that, like Apple, prefers to think different. It offers a lot of drag-and-drop freedom for laying out a site, and now its iPhone app lets users cut their computer umbilical cord and manage a site on the go. Read more…