
Archive for the ‘news’ Category

CyberPower intro trio “Black Friday” dan “Cyber Monday” gaming rig

November 25, 2009 Leave a comment

The trio of new AMD and Intel-powered gaming systems for Black Friday and Cyber Monday shoppers offers nice deals by providing powerfully specced PCs at reasonable price. From now through the end of the Thanksgiving weekend CyberPower will make available three custom-built PCs with special promotions, extra mail-in rebates, and a 10% discount off the entire order whether the customer chooses the base model or customizes their gaming rig through CyberPower’s “configurator.”
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Facebook Third Place to View Streaming Video

November 20, 2009 Leave a comment

Facebook Third Place to View Streaming Video. YouTube might still reign supreme in online video, but the big surprise coming out of Nielsen’s VideoCensus release on Thursday is that Facebook is now the world’s third most popular place to view video online. Read more…

No Mac OS X for Atom based netbooks is a big mistake

November 4, 2009 1 comment


No Mac OS X for Atom based netbooks is a big mistake. Rumors are traveling over the net that Apple will kill support on Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.2 for Atom processors found on netbooks that have made possible a hackintosh installation, something that will shut down a growing trend of buying cheap Dell Mini 10v netbooks and install Mac OS X on them. Apple should have used this trend to understand what people really want and provide a Mac with similar or better features that fills this need. Read more…

iPhone Under Attack from Android Invasion

November 4, 2009 Leave a comment

iPhone Under Attack from Android Invasion. There are only three days until Verizon joins the Android invasion. T-Mobile was first to embrace the open source Google operating system, but with the addition of Sprint, and now Verizon, Android is mounting a quiet revolution that could see it squash the iPhone OS and rise to a dominant position among mobile operating systems. Read more…