
Posts Tagged ‘Microsoft’

Microsoft Releases Office 2004, 2008 Updates

November 11, 2009 Leave a comment

Microsoft Releases Office 2004, 2008 Updates. Microsoft on Tuesday issued updates for its venerable Office suite versions 2004 and 2008.

Office 2004 gets a security boost with the Mac 11.5.6 update, which corrects a vulnerability that could allow a remote baddie to overwrite your computer’s memory. The 2008 version sees the same security fix in its Mac 12.2.3 update, plus a host of other minor upgrades, such as resolving text spacing issues in documents that originated on Windows system. The update should also reduce some frustrations. Previously, Word was prone to closing unexpectedly when a user accepted tracked changes. Stability is similarly improved in Excel and PowerPoint, which have had unpredictable crashes in some circumstances. Entourage, Microsoft’s e-mail client for the Mac, also gets a better junk mail filter. Read more…

Microsoft Releases Security Guidelines for Agile

November 9, 2009 Leave a comment

Microsoft Releases Security Guidelines for Agile. Microsoft will release on Tuesday guidelines for developers building online applications and for those utilizing the Agile code-development process.

The Agile guidelines apply principles from Microsoft’s Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) to Agile, an umbrella term for a development model frequently used for Web-based applications released under short deadlines, called “sprints.” Read more…