
Archive for the ‘Applications’ Category

Microsoft Releases Office 2004, 2008 Updates

November 11, 2009 Leave a comment

Microsoft Releases Office 2004, 2008 Updates. Microsoft on Tuesday issued updates for its venerable Office suite versions 2004 and 2008.

Office 2004 gets a security boost with the Mac 11.5.6 update, which corrects a vulnerability that could allow a remote baddie to overwrite your computer’s memory. The 2008 version sees the same security fix in its Mac 12.2.3 update, plus a host of other minor upgrades, such as resolving text spacing issues in documents that originated on Windows system. The update should also reduce some frustrations. Previously, Word was prone to closing unexpectedly when a user accepted tracked changes. Stability is similarly improved in Excel and PowerPoint, which have had unpredictable crashes in some circumstances. Entourage, Microsoft’s e-mail client for the Mac, also gets a better junk mail filter. Read more…

Bare Bones Software Releases Yojimbo 2.1 Update

November 11, 2009 Leave a comment

Bare Bones Software Releases Yojimbo 2.1 Update. Bare Bones Software has announced an update to Yojimbo, its intuitive information organizer. Yojimbo 2.1 includes a few fixes and refinements to version 2.0, which was released in September. Read more…

Snow Leopard Update Nukes Atom Support

November 11, 2009 Leave a comment

Snow Leopard Update Nukes Atom Support. There had been some questions as to whether or not Apple would kill support for Intel’s Atom chips in today’s 10.6.2 release. Last week it was reported that the latest 10.6.2 builds had new kernels that wouldn’t work on Atom chips. Read more…

Apple Breaks Hackintosh Netbooks with Latest Update

November 11, 2009 Leave a comment

Apple Breaks Hackintosh Netbooks with Latest Update. Users who want the Mac OS X experience on a netbook budget have figured out how to hack the Mac OS X operating system to force it to work on netbooks based on the Intel Atom processor. The latest update to the Snow Leopard update removes support for the Atom processor and puts an end to the ‘hackintosh’–at least for now. Read more…

PlayStation Network cards coming this month

November 10, 2009 Leave a comment


PlayStation Network cards coming this month. Sometime later this month, retailer Game will begin selling cards with prepaid PlayStation Network credit.

While our American and European cousins have been able to purchase PlayStation Network Store credit from brick-and-mortar retailers for a while now, the options have been more limited down under. All of that is about to change very soon. From mid-to-late November this year, gamers who don’t have access to a credit card — or simply don’t like giving their details out online — will be able to purchasePlayStation Network Store prepaid credit. Read more…

ZiiLABS Introduces the World’s First 1080p Blu-ray Quality Handheld Media Processor

November 9, 2009 Leave a comment

ZiiLABS Introduces the World’s First 1080p Blu-ray Quality Handheld Media Processor. New ZMS-08 StemCell Processor Offers Faster, Lower-Power Single Chip Solution for Full H.264 HD 1080p Video Playback, 720p Video Conferencing, 1080p Encode, OpenGL ES 2.0, X-Fi Audio and 1GHz ARM Cortex Application Acceleration. Read more…

Microsoft Releases Security Guidelines for Agile

November 9, 2009 Leave a comment

Microsoft Releases Security Guidelines for Agile. Microsoft will release on Tuesday guidelines for developers building online applications and for those utilizing the Agile code-development process.

The Agile guidelines apply principles from Microsoft’s Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) to Agile, an umbrella term for a development model frequently used for Web-based applications released under short deadlines, called “sprints.” Read more…

Add More Effects to Photo Booth and IChat

November 7, 2009 Leave a comment

Add More Effects to Photo Booth and IChat. As you know, Photo Booth includes a collection of image-altering effects you can use to distort your photos; just click the Effects button to see the collection of 24 effects, and to apply them to your photos. A subset of these effects (16 in all) are available in iChat, too, for use in creating some truly strange looking iChat image icons. But in case that’s not enough effects for you, here’s a way to add over 20 additional effects to both iChat and Photo Booth.
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Secure Websites Affected by SSL Flaw

November 7, 2009 Leave a comment

Secure websites affected by SSL flaw. Bug can be used to hack into servers. Web users are being warned aboout a serious flaw in the technology used to transfer information securely on the internet.

The flaw lies in the SSL protocol, best known as the technology used for secure browsing on websites beginning with HTTPS, and lets attackers intercept secure SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) communications between computers using what’s known as a man-in-the-middle attack. Read more…

How Change Your IP Address Without Any Software!

November 6, 2009 1 comment

How Change Your IP Address Without Any Software! “How do I change my IP address?” and “Can I change my IP address?” are probably the most commonly asked questions. Please attempt the following then, if that does not work, visit the Change IP Address forum.

Before trying any other methods to change your IP address, try turning off (or unplugging the power of) your Cable/DSL modem for five minutes. In many cases this will change your IP address. However, if that does not change your IP address, repeat the process for 8 hours (overnight works well) instead of 5 minutes. Hopefully this will result in an IP change. Read more…