Home > Applications, Software > Picasa gets updated to 3.5

Picasa gets updated to 3.5

September 23, 2009 Leave a comment Go to comments

Picasa gets updated to 3.5.Picasa gets updated to 3.5. Google’s Picasa has been given an update – to version 3.5. The photo manipulation software has been fluffed up with facial recognition and Google Maps functionality, as well as a whole host of bug fixes.

The facial recognition is called “Name Tags” and has been available in the web version of Picasa – “Picasa Web Albums” – for some time. It scans your photos and attempts to identify individuals through their facial features. It then gives you a list of clusters of photos featuring “unnamed people” that you can tag. You can also sync that with your Google contacts.

Picasa 3.5 also now has built-in Google Maps integration that lets you manually geotag pictures. In previous versions you had to use Google Earth to do that. Lastly, the option is now available to upload new photos automatically to Picasa Web Albums without having to select them first.

The download is free, and it’s available now.

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