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Seven Tips made your Notebook lasting

September 12, 2009 Leave a comment Go to comments

Seven Tips made your Notebook lasting.
In the modern era, and all these electronic media lots created one of them is laptop or what we often call the notebooks are in need of extra care, in order to remain in good condition and securely. For a lot of outdoor activities hot sun and dust seem to be more ’stop’ not to mention the dirt in general, such as water or food crumbs are often stuck between a laptop. If we want to make it durable, long lasting and far from the problem, the following seven tips that you should copy:

1. Keyboards clean
Because often the touch, this section is part of the fastest dull and dirty. If you are uncomfortable, before typing, prepare cover keyboards, a thin layer to cover the keys of your keyboard without disturbing as you type. As a result, crumbs and other dirt will not be sneaking up between keyboards.

But if you want to clean up, please prepare to brush and brush through to remove the dirt. However, you can use a portable vacuum cleaner is widely available in stores and computer accessories usually connect USB. Clean the surface of the keyboard keys with a dampened cloth glass cleaning fluid.

2. Screen
Use a special glass cleaner and do not use other cleaning fluids. Spray on a soft cloth first and then melapnya on a laptop screen. Do not aimed directly at the LCD screen (Liquid Crystal Display) that will make him a scratch. There any way to clean it rules. Wash with a single direction, for example, from left to right, or from top to bottom. And remember, do not push too hard.

3. Protec of sun
Remember, do not leave your notebook in the car, because in addition to inviting someone to steal it, the car parked in the sun increases the temperature inside the car and its impact could damage the laptop components.

4. Avoiding scratches
Keep the notebook of things sharp. Try to put a protective layer of cloth or sponge before closing the laptop. Because the keyboard is hard, can damage the laptop monitor. And if you want to travel, you should use a special notebook bag. Because these bags are usually designed for notebook security itself. Usually there are several screens that can make a secure notebook from scratches and pressure.

5. Avoid magnetic field
For security reasons the data in the laptop, should avoid the objects containing magnetic / electromagnetic force of the surrounding laptop. Examples of devices that contain strong magnets such as speakers who do not berpelindung (unshielded speaker system) or can be a mobile phone (cell phone). If you want to access the Internet using your mobile phone via infrared, place the phone within a distance of about 15 cm from the laptop.

6. Case brilliant
Stained hands can cause the notebook case was bright as when we bought it first. To clean it, we can use without substance alkaline detergent mixed with water. Or if you do not have bothered to use multipurpose cleaner used electronic devices. And usually the contents of the foam. Spray into a soft washcloth, then gently rub the surface of the case.

7. Saving notebook
If you want to save the notebook for a long time, should remove the battery and store in a cool, dry, and the air circulates well. Put the silicone gel to prevent mildew. So want to use it again, stun battery by completely filling and emptying as many as three times in a row.

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